ETP is strengthening the capacity of the Philippine Energy Regulatory Commission to champion energy transition. Under this project, ETP identifies gaps and opportunities in the regulatory context, fosters renewable energy investments, battery energy storage and ancillary services, as well as enhances power quality and reliability. It also helps digitalise grids and integrate renewable energy technologies in the energy system to achieve the national energy sector targets and consumer satisfaction.
Strategic Outcome 1: Policy Alignment With Climate Commitments
Under the Upgrading Energy Regulations Project for the Energy Regulatory Commission of the Philippines, three focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted to discuss proposed changes to the Philippine Grid Code (PGC), Philippine Distribution Code (PDC), and Philippine Small Grid Guidelines (PSGG). The recommendations aim to align the three codes to international practices and standards and cover diverse areas, including energy storage, power quality, connection requirements for conventional and inverter-based energy storage systems, among others. These changes are critical to create a more robust and sustainable power grid in the Philippines, embracing international standards and clean technologies to foster a more resilient and greener grid. The three-day FGDs were attended by governments, private generators, distribution utilities and other key stakeholders in the Philippines power sector.
This Project contributes to aligning policies with climate targets. It will establish a DSM Policy and Program for the electric power industry for the reduction of energy demand by promoting a range of strategies that influence end-users to reduce electricity consumption, shift load patterns, and reduce peak demand. DSM will enhance distribution grids’ efficiency, enhance system flexibility and reliability, and delay the need for additional power plants. This project will strengthen the implementation of the policy by delivering capacity building and developing a DSM toolkit. The combined impact of reduced energy consumption and increased penetration of variable renewables to the grid will result in more significant GHG emissions reduction and displace fossil-fuel based power generation.
International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)
Department of Energy – Energy Utilization Management Bureau
Strategic Outcome 1: Policy Alignment With Climate Commitments
This technical assistance instigates a holistic approach to smart grid transformation of the distribution sector and contributes to the deployment of renewable energy through embedded generation. It includes identifying the key issues and proposing solutions to smart grid adoption for power distribution in the context of the Philippines Smart Grid Policy Framework. A financing framework will be developed with investment options that the Electric Cooperatives may consider for smart grid upgrading. Capacity-building activities are integrated accordingly to ensure the sustainability of the project outputs and that they can be replicated for future asset management. Ultimately, this TA will demonstrate smart grid transformation with increased RE adoption and enabling demand side management.
Under procurement
National Electrification Administration
Strategic Outcome 3: Extending Smart Grids
ETP will support the implementation of the Philippine offshore wind roadmap by developing a marine spatial planning tool for offshore wind, assisting the formulation of a streamlined permitting and consenting process, and providing capacity building to stakeholders. This work may be extended to other marine renewables, including ocean tidal and floating solar.
Niras Asia
Department of Energy
Strategic Outcome 1: Policy Alignment With Climate Commitments
The project adopts the ESCO-in-a box® platform in the Philippines to support local ESCOs, by providing legal and financing tools and templates to facilitate transactions and by technical training and operational guidance. The ESCO-in-a-box, initiated by EP Group, is planned to be piloted in the Philippines and expanded in other countries of Southeast Asia. EP Group is one of ETP’s grantees under the Energy Efficiency Innovation Window.
Energy Pro Group
Strategic Outcome 2: De-risking Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments
This project aims to support the country’s goal of modernizing its power grid by developing a road map for investment upgrades and proposing an alternative governance structure. This will ensure flexibility, security, and resiliency of the power grid. The project is described in Table 1, and its comparison with related external consultancy work that may impact the project is also provided.
Department of Energy
Strategic Outcome 3: Extending Smart Grids
The assignment’s goal is to create a common understanding and vision for the BARMM energy sector development vis-a-vis its regional economic growth. It aims to understand the current power supply and demand scenarios, analyze existing energy policies, evaluate energy governance structure and relevant stakeholders, assess energy transition challenges, and identify drivers of energy transition. Ultimately, the assignment resulted to the development of the BARMM Power Sector Development Plan.
Aquatera, Ltd.
Energy Management and Development Services – Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy (MENRE)
Strategic Outcome 1: Policy Alignment With Climate Commitments
The project finances Investment-Grade Audits done by local Energy Service Companies (ESCO) for energy efficiency projects to make these bankable and reduce risks to investments. The IGA will demonstrate the impact of energy efficiency measures in terms of tangible energy costs savings on clients’ balance sheets and on GHG emissions reductions. The program also contributes in growing the local ESCO industry by engaging with different ESCOs and opening up the market for them. This initiative is led by Climargy, under ETP’s Energy Efficiency Innovation Window.
Private sector facilities
Strategic Outcome 2: De-risking Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments
Coming Soon
ETP supports the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation to establish competitive and transparent market mechanisms for battery and other energy storage systems within the wholesale electricity spot market. The project fosters de-risking investments in the energy storage systems, enriches market participation, and facilitates modernisation of the power grid, thus enabling the Philippines to reach its renewable energy potential and climate targets.
NEL Consulting
Philippines Electricity Market Corporation
Energy Regulatory Commission of the Philippines: Department of Energy
Strategic Outcome 1: Policy Alignment with Climate Commitments
This is a technical assistance that will support the Department of Energy in developing de-risking mechanisms for pump storage hydro project development. It aims to address the upfront risks to pump storage project development so that it can be utilised as the long-term, viable energy storage solution for the grid to facilitate variable renewable energy (VRE) integration. The de-risking components in this project include the initial siting of potential PSH sites, developing environmental, social impacts, grid connectivity assessment framework for PSH project development, and conducting a market assessment study for power generated from PSH. Related capacity building for policymakers and stakeholder engagement activities will be carried out. Enabling PSH as the energy storage for a grid with VRE uptake will address grid-connection issues associated with it such as RE curtailment and load shifting, frequency problems, black start, and capacity firming.
Under procurement
Department of Energy – Renewable Energy Management Bureau
Strategic Outcome 2: De-risking Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Investments
This technical assistance will support the Bangsamoro Government in establishing its energy planning process by formulating the BARMM Sustainable Energy Master Plan, highlighting how to effectively and strategically implement the judicious utilization of the Bangsamoro region’s renewable energy resources. It will include developing strategies for integrating low-carbon pathways in alignment with the region’s sustainable development goals and developing an energy investment plan framework. To ensure sustainability, there will be a strong focus on capacity-building activities and information transfer to the policymakers.
Under procurement
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy (MENRE) – Energy Management and Development Services
Strategic Outcome 1: Policy Alignment with Climate Commitments
14th Floor, 208 Wireless Road Building, Lumphini, Bangkok 10330, Thailand